China Neck Fan Manufacturers

You’re in the right place for China Neck Fan Manufacturers.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on HandFan.we guarantee that it’s here on HandFan.
As a classic model in our company, it is trendy in the Chinese market. .
We aim to provide the highest quality China Neck Fan Manufacturers.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • China Neck Fan Supplier & Manufacturers | HandFan manufacturers - HandFan
    China Neck Fan Supplier & Manufacturers | HandFan manufacturers - HandFan
    Hello everyone, I am Martin from Topsharp, we are factory in Shenzhen China with BSCI/ISO9001 audit.     This summer is hot, mini fans are more and more popular. The following are our company's neck fans. Let's take a look at the first neck fan we independently developed, HF340 model. See here, this hose can bend to adjust the fan 360 degrees. The next two neck fans are similar. Model HF372 has a power of 4800 which can be used for about 26 hours at first speed.and model HF377 has a power of 9600, which can be used for about 52 hours at first speed. In the meantime, based on market research and ergonomic principles, we have designed a neck-comfortable hanging fan. when you wear it on your neck,You'll be surprised . We've also designed Type-C quick charging for both fans, so you'll save even more time. The last fan is the storage fan. You can fold it up more than 360 degrees and put it in your bag, which is very convenient to carry. ok,If you need to design your own handy fans, please contact with us soon! 
Just tell us your requirements, we can do more than you can imagine.

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